Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Featured Review: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

                                                              The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 

This review was written by my good friend at Armchair by the Fire!

"I actually had to read this book for school. And surprisingly, for once, it was pretty good.

Liesel Meminger is the main character in the book, and her story is told through the perspective of "Death" in Germany during the 30's and the Second World War. She is a young German girl who is fostered by two poor parents and as the story goes on, Liesel grows into a teenage girl. Along the way, she develops family relationships, makes friends, learns valuable lessons, and develops her own values, all while the horrors of Hitler's rise and the war occur. It's a coming-of-age novel that will strike a chord with readers.

Let me start by saying that this book is bursting with literary devices. The entire book is quite literally one giant metaphor, as "Death" tells the story. Every page has a metaphor somewhere, used in some way. You could be talking about poop and there would still be some deep metaphor made by the author. This is really great for analyzing and interpreting the multiple meanings. When I was discussing this book in a seminar, we all interpreted the book differently, and our answers were all reasonable. The descriptions are so detailed and the language used is not complicated and not too easy, which I like in a book."

That's not all! You can continue reading this review at Armchair by the Fire! Stay tuned, she will be uploading more reviews very soon!


  1. Wonderful review! I haven't read The Book Thief but I really want to. I'm a bit scared to read it though as I know I'm going to bawl like a baby. XD

    1. You should definitely give it a read! Did you check out the rest of the review on the Armchair by the Fire blog? 😃

      - El

  2. Nice review!!

    I enjoyed this book too.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. No problem, thank you for reading!

      - El

    2. Thanks! Check out my full review here: https://armchairbythefire.blogspot.com/

  3. This one has been on my TBR for quite a while. Nice review!

  4. Great review! I read this book a while ago and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.

  5. Great review. I followed your blog and was wondering if I can get you a copy of my latest book 'Conversations with Tom' Let me know where I can send a mobi or epub. Here is the link to have a look. http://myBook.to/ConversationswithTom

    1. Thank you!

      What's your book about? I'd love to hear more about it! Email me a quick summary at elsbookreviews@gmail.com 👍

      - El

    2. A quick summary and a mobi are on the way.

  6. Nice review! This is one of the books that have been on my tbr since forever! LOL I should tackle my long time tbr soon.
    Thanks for following! Just followed back via GFC.
    ~Priyanka @ A Booklion's Hideaway

    1. Haha my TBR is super long too!

      Thanks again!

      - El

    2. Thanks for reading! Thanks! Check out my full review here: https://armchairbythefire.blogspot.com/

  7. This has been on my TBR foreeeeeevveerrrr. Like, everyone keeps telling me to read it, so I just need to READ IT! XD
    Great review!
    Megan @ http://www.wanderingsofabookbird.blogspot.co.uk

    1. It's a great read! Thanks!

      - El

    2. Thank you! Check out my full review here: https://armchairbythefire.blogspot.com/

  8. I have been curious about this one and I think you moved it from the maybe pile to the wishlist. I would have loved to have heard everyone's interpretation of the book. I really enjoy that kind of discussion.

    1. That's so good to hear, thanks! Check out my full review here: https://armchairbythefire.blogspot.com/

  9. I have never read this book but certainly would like to as it sounds really interesting.

  10. P.S: Thanks for following my blog, I've done the same :)

  11. It's an emotionally moving story, I think. Interesting that it was an assigned read. Glad you liked it despite that.

    I wasn't able to follow you at Blogger but I was able to add you at Google Plus.

  12. This book has intrigued me since I first heard of it. And more so now after reading this review.

  13. Hello El, here I am for the return visit :-)
    You have now a new follower. I have done a quick browse of your blog and wonder if it is just my impression that you seem to read mainly thrillers and mysteries. Some of the authors you have been reading sound familiar, but most of them I have not heard of - hardly surprising, as I am not really keeping up-to-date with current authors.

    1. Hello! You are correct! I do in fact read thriller and mysteries mainly. I also enjoy some classics, which I am currently reading.

      - El

  14. Hello, El! This is my first time here. I like your blog and am following it. I'll try to connect with you online, too.

    No kidding, Death is the narrator? The book sounds intriguing. I'll have to check it out. The setting, Germany during the rise of Hitler, should prove pivotal to the story. Thanks for sharing this with your followers, El.

    1. Awesome, thanks so much!

      It's great! No problem!

      - El

  15. I read this book a while back, I liked it but didn't love it like most of my book friends. Thanks for visiting, I am your newest follower, look forward to connecting love.

    Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net

  16. I absolutely adored this book so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it! Great review!

  17. This is one of my favourite books. And the only time I cried while reading a book.

    1. It is a really good one! Thanks for stopping by!

      - El

  18. I still haven't gotten around to reading this book! So many people have told me to. I'll have to request it for my next staycation! :)
